29/8 Going Home
Packing up my great mess
Now I’m on the plane, 1200m up, the clouds like a hilly cover over the earth without ends. We are flying above Amsterdam according to the pilot, with five hours to go until we land in Stockholm. I´ve read Aftonbladet and cached up on news, heard Swedish again from both flight attendants and travelers, plugged my gleek filled headphones in my ears, taken out my fruity orange juice and written several pages, waiting for the plane to take me home. Below me are white clouds, behind me are six fantastic weeks, and now I’m ready to see what the future holds – and to hug all those loved ones waiting back home! <3
28/8 Not really wetsuit weather
27/8 Black Saturday
26/8 Saying Goodbye
25/8 Saying Goodbye
24/8 Mud Day!
TODAY - County Armagh / Down
Picked up by Tom, picking up Jesa, picking up Luzia and Michaela
Mountain View


Luzia jumping



View from going up the mountain

It started to rain seriously when we reached the top - rain horisontally

I fell down a mud hole..
22/8 Hares Gap
TODAY - County (Armagh) Down
Picked up by Wilma
Making sandwiches and meeting Gang
Climbing the mourns to Hare's gap
Tea at Wilmas
Jesa, Michela and Luzia leaving for grocery shopping
Dinner at Wilmas
Dinner/Bbq with Gang and Tom and Willie
Magnus, Martin, Erika, Jesa, Michaela and Luzia at the wall
My super nice new shoes ^^ and now creators of pinkeytoe blisters
Michaela, Jesa, Luzia and Martin super hugging
23/8 Concert
Exploring Armagh with Jesa, Luzia, Michaela and Tom
Concert - Tennets Vital
21/8 New House
Seeing Lauras Farm; kows, donkeys, goats
Goodbye lunch with exchangees and hosts
Host Change, meeting Willie
Dinner/Bbq at Martins 2nd hosts, with Willie and Martins 1st hosts (Wilma and Rune)
Evening with exchangees at Eriks caravan (jesas host)
Computer morning
Picked up by Steven L and meeting Gang
Belleek Pottery, guided tour
Kesh, walking around
Take Me Out in Kesh
19/8 Boys and their Tractors
We went back to Enniskillen to watch a Vintage car parade, which was quite nice, especially one red,three wheeled one man car coming down the street. Wathing the cars, Martin complained some about their ages, saying a 89 car isn't Vintage. When the tractors came a while later, he was a different man, almost jumping out of joy as he pointed at them saying "I had one of those" or "that was the first tractor we had!" followed by a description of how the seat was optional. It didn't say me mush, but he was still funny to watch, acting like a kind in a candystore!
18/8 Second Place
In the evening we all meet in Kesh for a knockout challenge, the exchangees as a team. We had no idea what we were going to do, except that it could be wet and we should bring extra clothes.
The first part was to push a wrapped up hay bale, we did very well with Martin in our team. As we started the announcer presented our names and countrys, the continued with Martin measurements l, 6.5 and shoe size 14, ending with "and ladies, his single". It was so funny!
Next was sackjupming - with all five in one sack! After some trouble with me and Jesa falling a lot, since we were in the front and got pushed by those in the back, we finally found our way to jump in sync.
Thirdly was the wheelbarrow with a bucket of water between our legs which worked well for four of us, but when it was Martins turn to sit down we brad to push all four, making the crowd laugh loudly.
In the fourth part Luzia and me got practically soaked and I could literary twist the water out my shirt, standing in just a thin top the rest of the night. The reason being that me and Luzia held the bottom homes in a high tube and Martin missed the hope at the top a lot as he tried to fill of all up while we stops the leakages.
Lastly all teamwork stood on a line next to eachother as one at a time ran down the slipped glass like maniacs, crawling under a big net and in to a pool or water from a flurry tank (ush) and soap to find the fruits hiding in it.
Waiting for our results, we were all wet, except for Jesa who keep braging about how dry she was - shortly, she was thrown in the pool. When the results came, we got second place! Awarding us with medals and a teampicture of us all soaked!
17/8 Shoooes! And Cideeeer!
Buss to Belfast, 2.5h
City day in Belfast, shopping shoes
Buss to Eniskillen, 2.5h
Night Out
And, I forgot, we also stopped at a Jewelery shop, Luzia buying a nice neclace and Michaela bting a Belle-braclet with braids representing each of us. Jesas a sheep, Luzia a flowery one, and I choose one with red catprints, for Lisa me and Jesa choose one with pink, agreeing that was very Lisa. The bracelet ended up really cute, with one last green glass braid for Michaela herself.
At 5.05 we took the buss home, after me and Jesa had presented subway to Liza and Michaela who had never tried it, impressing them with its wonderful taste! On the bus, me and Luzia started playing "Slice it"on my phone, as we did in the moring, but it dided on uss. Switching to Luzias mobile instead, it wasrned for low battery, moving on to Martins phone we found a bulding-a-bridge game which we ten minutes, several traincreshes and laughter later (I so loved crashing those trains!), still on the same level, we decided that is wasnt a game for us and sat down watching Luzias wonderful pictures from Nepal (and I learned how rices made) :)
16/8 The AMAZING day of Crom Castle and Chocolate Boys
Bananaboat at Share Centre
Crom Castle - guided tour (MOST BEAUTIUL PLACE EVAR!)
Dropped of for dinner at house
Picked up by Steven and meeting gang
Donkey Derby
Couchnight at Lornas (host)
Todays activities were pretty cool. We started out banana boating, me and Luzia being the first ones, in our super hot wetsuits, to go out. The wind was blowing like crazy and there was insanely wavy, messing majorly with my contacs and forcing me to practically ride one-eyed. The man driving the boat was determined to get us in the water, driving in tight circles and in an unnaturally speed, and ofcourse he succeded. Falling in, we discovered that the water was quite comfy, being pretty warm in our suits as we laughed, so we spent some time after throwing eachother in. I wasnt even afraid of sticking my feets down, having pair of shoes on which we got from a pile, which I donated my red shoes to afterwards as they were still quite moistuerous and compleatly stinking from ny drying up. After being all soaked, we made our way to the hot showers, finding Jesa who told us about her and Martins adventure on the cajac, the odd combination leaving Jesa sitting above water and doing practically noting for the paddling - we laughed like crazy. We also got a description of the super-hot blond guide, Paul (his name said with longing) who apparantly had a body to be covered in chocolate and licked clean. Unfourtanly I missed this blond guide, whos perfact body became the joke for the rest of the night, his sixpack somehow brought in to every conversation. Hilarious.
15/8 Imaginative Caves
Picked up by Steven (host) and Martin
Left at house
Checking out farm - donekys, sheep and cows
Bowling with gang
Waking up in the this morning, I realized that I feelt like home. The bed felt just like mine with a warm cover and hard pillow. The walls are brown cream, with torquose. Random stuff and Mirandas everywhere, and, ofcourse, my mess spreading out over the floor - just like home. Im starting to realize Im missing home alot, thinking often of how things are compared to home. Of how people remind me of friends or Malin. Of how my family would be for an exchangee. Of how nice it would be to sit on the buss going to school. Of how things might seem diffrent when I come home. I simply miss you all at home <3

14/8 Cutest Gift
TODAY - County Tyrone
Moring with talk with family, giving gifts and getting gifts, plus trying Claires bagpipe
Kesh - tractors and meeting Ellen
Meeting family
Dinner with exchangees and hosts - Woodhill hunting lodge
This moring I once again had to pack my bags, nearly not getting it all down and ending up with two extra bags (a). Foremost I had to say goodbye. Claires fmaily is really nice, even her uncle who tried to teach me to play badpipe this moring, pretty unsucessfully and my lungs are baby weak - he was really good though.
Antways, those who were awake I ha signing my shirt and geve them each an angel, and the gaal - Valerie haining her on the fridge saying "That way Ill always see her", which was so sweet. Suprising me, Valerie gave me gifts too: a golden bag with some stuff in.. There was a 400g chocolate bar, the bigges one she could find and incase I didnt get well feed at my next host; a wonderfull pair of while socks with antislide and a pair of doll-cows on top, having noticed that I like my big socks; and a pandabear with adompion certificate, its adorable. Plus all the stuff I got when I got there to surivie, a anitperspirant, bath sponge and mikado. Thank you very much Valerie, and thank you Beattie family for havning me in your house, and Claire for showing me around!
Steven and Claire playing
Me trying to blow (pretty unsucessfully)
Tractors on a row
13/8 Drunk People
TODAY - County Tyrone in Londonderry
Buss with Claire and her father and his lodge
Band Parade plus bar in Londonderry
Buss back with lodge and flute band
Utopia (club) with exchangees, hosts and friends
Me in Clairs fathers stuff
At the Parade:
Gillian and Charlotte
12/8 Euro, km and Mist
TODAY - County Tyrone in Ireland
Picked up by Charlotte and Jesa
Meeting Gang
Killsbegas Harbour
Costal Mountains: Slieve League
Movie - Life Size
Movie - The back-up plan
Today we went yo Donegal, a county in South of Ireland, boardering with Tyrone. With Claire sick and staying home, I was picked up by Charlotte and Jesa, meeting the rest on our way to Ireland. It was a lot of driving around and after a quick stop at Killybegas harbour, stinking of fish, we continued to soon meet a smal costal road sided by mountain wall on one side, steep lavine on the other - quite and adventure with the irish driving. Going upeards, we were greeted by a unique scenery - the highest costal mountains in Europe, the stone rising highly out of the water. They didnt look all tall, covered in thick mist, searching its way around them all and nearly reaching our feets. It was windy, cold and beautiful, a lovely place a picture can never re-create. Full of wonder for the cost and its mountains we drove back, meeting sheeps and bying some longed-fore ice-cream berfore entering NorthernIreland and leaving the familiar euro, dubble roadsigns and the superiour leanght measure km.
The massive mountains and all the mist
Jesa, Erika, Martin, Luzia and Michaela
More of the mist
Charlotte and Martin with diffrent ideas of the weather
(dont remember name), Erika, Martin, Luzia, Michaela, Jesa, Charlotte (host) and Gillian (host)
The sillouete on the top is Martin - big fella aint that big!
11/8 Annoyance
Meeting up with Gang
Pheasants behind Claires house
Turf and Bogs
Movie - Baby Mama
Treasure Hunt
I had my wellies on today and I think practically everyone commented on them and I have to admitted I love my shining red laced wellies very mush. They proved to be quite usefully both at the Fishfarm, where my host brother Scott showed is around, even seeing the trout being literary poured in to ice boxes, frozen to death and shipped for slicing and packing, as well as on the Turf farm. Turfs kinda some stuff, made in to squares out of the bogs and left to air-dry, creating hard blocks of wood-dirt. Apparently its used for fire, instead of wood for some reason - it smells good but it seems a bit odd. Martin said its torv, confirming my thoughts about its appearance through not aboat use, the same stuff we uses in ex horseboxes... Valerie though it odd that we don't have it (though we apparently do, we just don't use it like here), wanting to send some with me home - I hope she understood that I declined. It was cool though, to se all Turf, stalked in long lines or built in to small houses, allowing the wind to blow through, seemingly never-ending.
Luzia and a fish
pushing the fishes
Scott and the fishes
Turf at the Bog xD
Jesa and Luzia in one of their constant battles
10/8 Geeky Me
Movie - Grown Ups
Meeing up with Jesa, Luzia, Charlotte (host) and Adam (host)
Gortin Glen Forest Park
Driving around (in car with Jesa and Carlotte) stopping by : Telephone mast, castle ruins, American President Wilsons ancesteral home, steel figures, a salmon waterfall..
Movie -Definitly Maybe
Watching Sanctuary clips from Comic Con
Luzia and Jesa under stuff
Me, Jesa and Luzia with the dancing metal dudes
Dubble namne signs in South of Ireland
Jesa chasing a frog
The wind trying to blow us away..
Luzia and Jesa
Car tour
Love the greeen :)
9/8 Ulster- American
TODAY - County Tyrone
Movie - Footlose
Meeing up with gang
Ulster American Folk Park
Saying goodbye to Lisa <3
Visiting Bessie Bell "Mountain"
Bar with Jesa, Luzia, hosts
Michaela, Martin, Luzia, Jesa and Erika
Another cool sewing machine
The ship from ireland to America
Sun stuffie
Matthew at the "mountain"
Martin carring Luzia around
Luzia and Jesa
Erika, Jesa, Martin, Michaela, Luzia
The brave cat
The shy one
8/8 Movie Race
TODAY - County Tyrone
"The accidential husband" and breakfast
Omagh - Mamorial Site for bombing in 1998, libary archive, chapel, cute little shop..
Meeting Claires friends and driving around
"Mean Girls 2"
We meet up with Jesa, Luzia, Charlotte (host), Adam (host) and Matthew (host-little brother). We saw the memorial site for those who lost their life in Omagh when a bomb went of the 15th of August 1998. It killed 28 people, and two unborn twins, including a lot of young people there on school trip, one of them Spanish boy there on exchange. So sad really, especially how resent it was. The site had some storytelling and names of those who died, aswell as mirrors reflecting the light all the way to a glass pillar with a heart on it, located on the bomb site, so that when the sun shine the pillar is filled with light and the heart of Omagh shine. We also went to Omagh library where they have a archive dedicated to the bombing, containing endless books or condolences, letters, poems, sculptures, paintings and articles. It was all quite touching.
Names of those who lost their lifes
Mirrors reflecting he light
The glas heart at the bomb scene
Inside a chapel
The adorable tablets in the cute little shop
7/8 YFA Dinner
TODAY - County Londonderry/ Antrim/ Tyrone
Saying goodbye and giving gifts + getting prrsents from Valerie
Host change and picknick at Carnfunnock park
YFA meeting and dinner at Cairndhu Golf Club, exchangees reading poem (see Tonights Poem)
Meeting family and watching "Maid of Honor"
Dodge, Valerie, Erika, Luzia and John
John and Dodge, Valerie and Rachel
Luzia and Erika
Erika and Lisa
Jesa and Luzia
Me and Lisa translting Swedish and German
Beautiful golfcourse
Tyrone - Beattie
Claire (15) - host
Jade (13)
Kim (17)
My room
The House
Tonights Toast
For six weeks we are staying here
I guess we all tried the Gunnies beer
In County Antrim we arrived all together
The weather could have been better
We saw the castle, coast and bridge
and realized soon, this county is rich
Probably not in sun and money
But the evenings with the Young Farmers were funny
At the Bushmills Distillery we tried the whiskey
Just the rope-bridge were probably risky
By Giant’s Causeway we were all impressed
Who was the winner of the treasure hunt, guess
After one week we moved to county Down
Unfortunately we were not in the same town
To Stormont went all of us
But in Belfast we had already taken the open-top bus
Titanic, Museums and foamparty we did enjoy
Though Martin didn’t like the shopping, poor boy
The beaches in Down were really nice
Some of us saw them more than twice
The BBQ on Saturday were glad we didn’t miss
Alan Boyd gave the girls a kiss
Pack again and change the host
By now we’ve sent many letters by post
Dunbia factory, Hillsbourgh research centre
And jungles bouncy castle were quite an adventure
In downhill we drove on the beach
At Mossidun temple John did preach
Some ice-cream and drinks later
Down in Kelly’s, Jesa found herself a hater
In Londonderry we took again an open bus
The walls, murals, peace bridge does impress us
Laser shooting, archery and bowling game
And even rock-climbing we’d like to do again
Three more county’s yet to explore
Up to now definitely not a bore
Tyrone is the county we go next
Hopefully without writing another text
Fermanagh, Armagh you’re still far away
But we’re looking forward to our stay
Probably you could book some good weather
We’re sad that from now on we are no longer all together
Lisa, our German, friend will leave us soon
It’ll be her birthday by tomorrow at noon
There more times we pack our cases
We’ll never forget your lovely faces
To cut it short we make a toast
To all our Young Farmer host, we now say: “Prost!”
6/8 Afternoon- Day
TODAY - County Londonderry
Colerain - quick city visit
Port Stewart - quick shopping
Checking out Miliking Robot
BBQ at Samantas
BBQ evening at Andy T with exchangees
As usually, we were late, but that didn't really matter. John (once again wearing matching purple shirt with Jesa which makes them look like q cute married couple) and Andy left early for a night at Kellys while we other started preparing for our performance for tomorrow night. We decided on a poem with rimes, ending up with eight lines for each of us. Mostly, Luzia did the writing, but the rest of us came with ideas and input. I liked two of Andrews rimes, though everyone else thought they didn't really rime. Martin knew why, continuing on a conversation from earlier that night: Andrews rimes were missing something, as does all those flat puzzles from IKEA... Haha! *sarcastic* . Another funny moment was when Andrew tried to play teeter on my mobile in amazement, panic and stubbornness, tilting way to much (he failed like 15 times at the first level). Quite amusing. It was a great night, a lot of laughter and friendship.
John taking photos
Luzia and Erika
Fred, Luzia and Erika, with Ians sportscar
The milking robot
5/8 Milking Parlor
TODAY - County Londonderry
Sittining out and reading
Bowling with gang
Preparing Lisas birthday present
Milikin in the parlor
Party for Lisa, with bouncing castle
Mom, youre very mute - dont I deserve at least ONE comment?! Just saying...
City day Londonderry with Gang plus hosts. Shopping and Open bus tour.
Fun Night - Lazer shooting game, climbing, artchery and BBQ
In the evening we went to County Londonderry Fun Night, meeting their YFC and trying on crazy things. The Laser shooting was really fun, being armed with sensor-helmet, £800 worth guns we hid behind obstacles, playing sniper to take out the other team. So exiting - feelt like some cool dude in a crime drama.. In the start I was actually pretty good, surviving till the very end, but after a while my head just wasnt in the game and Liza and Luzia (opposite team) keept shooting just for me... Didint work that well I tell you. We aslo got to try on artchery, which went pretty well, but I only got to shoot once because everyone was so slow and we had to move on to climbing. It was a really fun evening, ending with some bbq and suprisingly big burgers (usally their burgers shrink to a little ball when heathed, but this one was nearly as big as the bun). Right now Im sitting by Luzia whos on fb, while a half naked fred is trying to have a conversation with us about tomorrow, but failing due to sleep deprivation aka he makes no sence but its quite amuzing. Just like normal, really.
Jesa with her supercool lazer gun
Hiding at Lasershooting
Lisa fiering the bow
Martin (haha, helmet), Luzia and Lisa
County Londonderry
The computer at Freds house wont upload pictures for me, so Ill guess that have to wait till nex week. Untill then, Ill at least try to update some stuff out off each day :)
Wakling around with Luzia, looking at the farm and Fred fencing
Visiting the church Johns working on - climping up thing to the tower
Castle with exchangees and hosts
Beach and Swimming with Liza, Jesa, Andy (host), Michella..
Tea and piano with Luzia
Kellys (club) with exchangees and hosts
Later, we headed for the beach. Around here you dont drive TO the becha, you frive ON the beach, literally. It was a long sand beach, the tide leaving it a bit wet and occational small rivers ending on it to find their way into the sea. We (John (host), Jesa, Me and Luzia) drove alongside with Andy (host) and Michaella, raciing forward with the wind blowing in. It was hilarious and an absolutely unique experience. We even stoipped by a ice-ream truck, leaning out of the windows to take our ice. After the cooling ice-ream we took a swim. As we walked down the cold sand, having somehow managed to change into swiming suits, Jesa, Luzia and Michaela threw sand at eachother, playing out a true summer senario despite the cool air. Reaching the water, all of us screamed as we went down, especially as the waves reached us, stretching up along our freezing bodies. It was warmer than I thought it would be, but still freezing and sertainly not above 14 - my toes grew numb and my arms got goosebumps. It was salt and cold, a minus craic, but together we mad it craic. It feelt incredible warm to finally come up though, the sand suddenly super hot.
Me and Luzia at the top of the crane
TODAY - County Londonderry
Hillsbourgh Research Centre - Cows and Methangas
Shopping at Victoria Square
Walking to lake
In the evening, just as the sun was falling (the sun falls down, the stars come out) me and Luzia went for a walk. Following Johns instructions we walked down the road to a pond some minutes away. It was gorgeous: a isolated little lake, the water still and undisturbed. John told us it was built by a farmer, hoping for it to become a resort but it never got to that. Nevertheless its beautiful. Me and Luzia sat down on one of the bridges, bathing out feet in the cold water. We sat there for long, wathing our toes create waves through it. We talked for ling about everything: my sisters keeper, our week, silence, her boyfriend Simon, movies travel and the nature. It was really nice, being just the two of us in the silence, taking it one breath at a time. Suddenly though, our silence where disturbed and we throw ourselves back in panic and laguheter - a big fish had swam by. It was nearly half a metre long, not letting itself be disturbed by our presence. It wasn't the fish that was scary, it was just the surprise but it was still a great laugh. Starting to go back, we met some cows, screaming loudly in our presence but they were cute enough. It was a nice walk back and a cosy evening, a chance for us to get to know eachother and escape for a moment.
Cow with Methan gas collector
In our fancy blue suits
TODAY - County Londonderry (in Tyrone)
Dunbia Meat Plant with Luzia, Jesa, Martin, Michaela, Fred (host) and other YFC
"A Doing" - pouring stuff over bride and groom (with Luzia, Jesa, John and Johns girlfriend Samanta)
After dinner we left again to hoover outside a church where a couple was having a wedding rehersal.Apparently its a Young Farmers tradition to steal the couple and do various things to them - pouring gue over them. The bride had extra clothes in her car, dreading the moment for some time, and her brother sneaked out to get them for her - it was kind cute how all the guests stayed in the church, afraid of going outside aswell. No one dared to go out. Eventually though, the young farmes caught the young pair and took them to a trailer, striping their legs and arms. They were covered in disgusting gue (which John had accidentally managed to spill out in the trunk of his Jeep on the way there - not so nice smell, i can tell you), sawdust and stuff. Luckily the bridce had a towl and bathcap around her head so her hair didnt get acloplete mess, but it was still kinda gross, the bride screaming as the gue pooured down. They booth took it quite well though, knowing there was no escape, and soon laughted and vawed to by-passers as they were drown around the city. In the end though, it got quite cold and they were freezing as hell. Poor couple - I would nerver want to get married in Northern Ireland, or as a Young Farmer fro that sake.... Gue, sawdust and trapped - took it as champs though!