24/8 Mud Day!
TODAY - County Armagh / Down
Picked up by Tom, picking up Jesa, picking up Luzia and Michaela
Mountain View
Church Ruins
Tea at Slieve Gullion Park
Climbing Slieve Gullion - falling in a mudd hole
Pointless Stone
Dinner at Four Seasons in South Ireland
Movie Night with the girls - Red Riding Hood and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Back to house


Luzia jumping



View from going up the mountain

It started to rain seriously when we reached the top - rain horisontally

I fell down a mud hole..


Luzia jumping



View from going up the mountain

It started to rain seriously when we reached the top - rain horisontally

I fell down a mud hole..
21/8 New House
TODAY - County Fermanagh, Armagh and Down
Seeing Lauras Farm; kows, donkeys, goats
Goodbye lunch with exchangees and hosts
Host Change, meeting Willie
Dinner/Bbq at Martins 2nd hosts, with Willie and Martins 1st hosts (Wilma and Rune)
Evening with exchangees at Eriks caravan (jesas host)
Seeing Lauras Farm; kows, donkeys, goats
Goodbye lunch with exchangees and hosts
Host Change, meeting Willie
Dinner/Bbq at Martins 2nd hosts, with Willie and Martins 1st hosts (Wilma and Rune)
Evening with exchangees at Eriks caravan (jesas host)
Today - county Fermanagh
Computer morning
Picked up by Steven L and meeting Gang
Belleek Pottery, guided tour
Kesh, walking around
Take Me Out in Kesh
Computer morning
Picked up by Steven L and meeting Gang
Belleek Pottery, guided tour
Kesh, walking around
Take Me Out in Kesh
19/8 Boys and their Tractors
TODAY - County Fermanagh
meeting Gang and hosts
Enniskillen Castle - army history
Erne tours - Boat tour to devenish island
Back to house
Vintage car parade in Enniskillen with Laura, Martin and Steven L
Pat's bar with Gang and hosts
We went back to Enniskillen to watch a Vintage car parade, which was quite nice, especially one red,three wheeled one man car coming down the street. Wathing the cars, Martin complained some about their ages, saying a 89 car isn't Vintage. When the tractors came a while later, he was a different man, almost jumping out of joy as he pointed at them saying "I had one of those" or "that was the first tractor we had!" followed by a description of how the seat was optional. It didn't say me mush, but he was still funny to watch, acting like a kind in a candystore!
18/8 Second Place
TODAY - County Fermanagh
Sleeping till 11
Lough Navar Forest with Davy and Vicky
Tickety-Moo icecream with gang and hosts
Host change, meeting Lauras family
Knockout Challenge
In the evening we all meet in Kesh for a knockout challenge, the exchangees as a team. We had no idea what we were going to do, except that it could be wet and we should bring extra clothes.
The first part was to push a wrapped up hay bale, we did very well with Martin in our team. As we started the announcer presented our names and countrys, the continued with Martin measurements l, 6.5 and shoe size 14, ending with "and ladies, his single". It was so funny!
Next was sackjupming - with all five in one sack! After some trouble with me and Jesa falling a lot, since we were in the front and got pushed by those in the back, we finally found our way to jump in sync.
Thirdly was the wheelbarrow with a bucket of water between our legs which worked well for four of us, but when it was Martins turn to sit down we brad to push all four, making the crowd laugh loudly.
In the fourth part Luzia and me got practically soaked and I could literary twist the water out my shirt, standing in just a thin top the rest of the night. The reason being that me and Luzia held the bottom homes in a high tube and Martin missed the hope at the top a lot as he tried to fill of all up while we stops the leakages.
Lastly all teamwork stood on a line next to eachother as one at a time ran down the slipped glass like maniacs, crawling under a big net and in to a pool or water from a flurry tank (ush) and soap to find the fruits hiding in it.
Waiting for our results, we were all wet, except for Jesa who keep braging about how dry she was - shortly, she was thrown in the pool. When the results came, we got second place! Awarding us with medals and a teampicture of us all soaked!
17/8 Shoooes! And Cideeeer!
Picked up by Steven, meeting gang
Buss to Belfast, 2.5h
City day in Belfast, shopping shoes
Buss to Eniskillen, 2.5h
Night Out
Buss to Belfast, 2.5h
City day in Belfast, shopping shoes
Buss to Eniskillen, 2.5h
Night Out
We went to Schuh shopping for shoes, trying on several pari each, with three persons helping us fetching sizes. After some judging, size changing and walktesting Jesa ended up with a nice pair of Adidas which she imideatly put on, and I found my self a pair of pruple and grey Converse, yet to be decided worthy as they have a small bump in the heel, but nontheless well needed as my red shoes has been trown our and my white ones are starting to become trash.
And, I forgot, we also stopped at a Jewelery shop, Luzia buying a nice neclace and Michaela bting a Belle-braclet with braids representing each of us. Jesas a sheep, Luzia a flowery one, and I choose one with red catprints, for Lisa me and Jesa choose one with pink, agreeing that was very Lisa. The bracelet ended up really cute, with one last green glass braid for Michaela herself.
At 5.05 we took the buss home, after me and Jesa had presented subway to Liza and Michaela who had never tried it, impressing them with its wonderful taste! On the bus, me and Luzia started playing "Slice it"on my phone, as we did in the moring, but it dided on uss. Switching to Luzias mobile instead, it wasrned for low battery, moving on to Martins phone we found a bulding-a-bridge game which we ten minutes, several traincreshes and laughter later (I so loved crashing those trains!), still on the same level, we decided that is wasnt a game for us and sat down watching Luzias wonderful pictures from Nepal (and I learned how rices made) :)
And, I forgot, we also stopped at a Jewelery shop, Luzia buying a nice neclace and Michaela bting a Belle-braclet with braids representing each of us. Jesas a sheep, Luzia a flowery one, and I choose one with red catprints, for Lisa me and Jesa choose one with pink, agreeing that was very Lisa. The bracelet ended up really cute, with one last green glass braid for Michaela herself.
At 5.05 we took the buss home, after me and Jesa had presented subway to Liza and Michaela who had never tried it, impressing them with its wonderful taste! On the bus, me and Luzia started playing "Slice it"on my phone, as we did in the moring, but it dided on uss. Switching to Luzias mobile instead, it wasrned for low battery, moving on to Martins phone we found a bulding-a-bridge game which we ten minutes, several traincreshes and laughter later (I so loved crashing those trains!), still on the same level, we decided that is wasnt a game for us and sat down watching Luzias wonderful pictures from Nepal (and I learned how rices made) :)
16/8 The AMAZING day of Crom Castle and Chocolate Boys
Me and Ellen picked up and meeting gang
Bananaboat at Share Centre
Crom Castle - guided tour (MOST BEAUTIUL PLACE EVAR!)
Dropped of for dinner at house
Picked up by Steven and meeting gang
Donkey Derby
Couchnight at Lornas (host)
Bananaboat at Share Centre
Crom Castle - guided tour (MOST BEAUTIUL PLACE EVAR!)
Dropped of for dinner at house
Picked up by Steven and meeting gang
Donkey Derby
Couchnight at Lornas (host)
Todays activities were pretty cool. We started out banana boating, me and Luzia being the first ones, in our super hot wetsuits, to go out. The wind was blowing like crazy and there was insanely wavy, messing majorly with my contacs and forcing me to practically ride one-eyed. The man driving the boat was determined to get us in the water, driving in tight circles and in an unnaturally speed, and ofcourse he succeded. Falling in, we discovered that the water was quite comfy, being pretty warm in our suits as we laughed, so we spent some time after throwing eachother in. I wasnt even afraid of sticking my feets down, having pair of shoes on which we got from a pile, which I donated my red shoes to afterwards as they were still quite moistuerous and compleatly stinking from ny drying up. After being all soaked, we made our way to the hot showers, finding Jesa who told us about her and Martins adventure on the cajac, the odd combination leaving Jesa sitting above water and doing practically noting for the paddling - we laughed like crazy. We also got a description of the super-hot blond guide, Paul (his name said with longing) who apparantly had a body to be covered in chocolate and licked clean. Unfourtanly I missed this blond guide, whos perfact body became the joke for the rest of the night, his sixpack somehow brought in to every conversation. Hilarious.
15/8 Imaginative Caves
TODAY - County Fermanagh
Picked up by Steven (host) and Martin
Picked up by Steven (host) and Martin
Florencecourt Garden with gang
Marble Arch Caves
Left at house
Checking out farm - donekys, sheep and cows
Bowling with gang
Left at house
Checking out farm - donekys, sheep and cows
Bowling with gang
Waking up in the this morning, I realized that I feelt like home. The bed felt just like mine with a warm cover and hard pillow. The walls are brown cream, with torquose. Random stuff and Mirandas everywhere, and, ofcourse, my mess spreading out over the floor - just like home. Im starting to realize Im missing home alot, thinking often of how things are compared to home. Of how people remind me of friends or Malin. Of how my family would be for an exchangee. Of how nice it would be to sit on the buss going to school. Of how things might seem diffrent when I come home. I simply miss you all at home <3

My bed at Baileys

The gang at Flourencecourt

Martin in the experience-fossils room