IFYE-to be
Hello Reader!
My new journey begins at 16:15 on sunday the 17th of Jule on an airplane headed to Belfast City. Thats right, Im going to Northern Ireland! Its the amazing island I´ve always dreamt of visiting, so this will be a real dream.-come-true, like Rapunzels wish to see the floating lights. Just like her, though, Im a bit worried. "What if it's not everything I dreamed it would be?".
I believe in adventures, new places and people, and that there is always something good in everything. And certainly there will pe planty of good in Ireland. I still cant believe Im going, and less so that its less than a month away! I think Im feaking out.
I wont be going to Ireland just to tourist, I will be going there as an IFYE (that means international farming/4H youth exchange). IFYE is 4H exchange program ranging between sevaral countries and from 3 weeks to a year. I will be there for 6 weeks during which I will live with hostfamilies and experience their everyday life and such. Its like being an exchange student without going to school.
This will be the first time Im flying alone, and even more scary; landing alone. I hate airports, its like they´re made to get lost in. I will be alone and have to find somebody´ve never meet in a crowd fo people, so thats the first challenge. After that I have to meet people without appearing to be a complete idiot, which is going to be real hard. But challenges are good, and is something I believe i can acomplish (cuz its not like Im climbing mount everest all of a sudden).
Just look at this! It is so amazing! I want to see some green hills, glipse the treetops in the horizon, watch the mountains rise from the earth. I just want to see everything! There can never be too much nature and beauty. I think Camille (thats my cameras name) will be my closes and deares compainon during my visit to Ireland. She´ll be indispensable.
Though being a alone swede during my visit, arriving home might be as difficult - Im going to miss Ireland and all the people, and the nature and everything. Home is just rainy sweden (btw its going to rain like two centimeters today, yeah, centimeters, not milimeters - ush). But it will be nice too, to come home to my own bed, and my family and all my friends. But before all that, I have a new aduevture to embrace! <3
Det kommer gå så bra! :) Men se till att komma hem fort för jag kommer att sakna dig massor!!!! <3 <3
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