Blue domes
With another warm day ahead of us, we started with a morning by the pool. From the inside are, you could swim outside to a sundeck. There, we lay for about two hours, having time for two smothies and some bubbelbathing inbetween. My mom, sister and I tried to book som massage, but it didnt have what we wanted, there seem to be a glatch between their offerings and what the hotels website says. But I´ve booked a hole-body massage for tomorrow :)

We started our thuresday afternoon by searching for the sightseeing busses, with no luck. Back at the hotel I found a broshure, which mom claimed had not been there before - talk about wasted time. So we are saving tourisbusses for tomorrow after we have checked-out. Instead we went to the other thing I wanted to see, a ortodox church in Russian style. It was beautiful with its blue domes. It took quite a walk to locate it, apparently my father isnt that skilled of a map reader, but at last we where there. It was named Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and is from 1900. It took up my entire sight, and I couldn even get a photo at the entire buliding. I didnt find a way inside, eventhough I really wanted to checkt that out, but it didnt matter that much because the outside was mangestetic by itself.

Hungry as we were, we sat down at the first place we could find, which happended to be one at Town Square - bad idea it turned out as the food was unimpressive and the sevice very poor. So quickly after finishing our meal (and leaving no tips) we went to find a place to drink some cofee and relax a little.
At Pikk we found a cute cafe called Cafe Madmoiselle and they even had kokko to my delight (I dont drink cofee). The cafe had a cute inner garden which was absolutly adorable and calm. I loved it. The also had a resturant which I hope we will return to for lunch tomorrow. The coolest thing about the cafe was the bathroom - it was huge and had a one meter wide hole stretching down three meters! Ofcourse it was glass above it, but it was still scary as hell and gave me quite the shock - but still, soo cool!

The Café

Malin found her self a happy cup of coffee.

Me and Malin

The terrifying hole! It was deeper than it looks, actually.
Malin is so much braver than me - I didnt even dare touching it.
Walking home again, I looked up at a church we pased probably seven times by now and finally realized how tall it was. I read at the information outside that it was the highest bulding in the world for 150 years! Things like that are cool to see. Speaking of new discoveries, my father and I walked up a gigant stair case next to our hotel today. It is build out of stone and consists of a uncontable numbers of steps up two huge starcases. It looks like a theater or atletics studio, though forgotten in time. My father guessed it was built by the Russians when they occupied Estonia as a atempt to prove how cool and mighty they could be, and thats why the eastonians have let it cruble down and become mearly a place for youths to hang when theres nowhere else to go. Nomatter what, it is one gigantic piece of stone, beacuse when you reace the top, the other side is just the same, only this time you get to go down instead.

Super high Oleviste Church.

The wasted building..

The Café

Malin found her self a happy cup of coffee.

Me and Malin

The terrifying hole! It was deeper than it looks, actually.

Malin is so much braver than me - I didnt even dare touching it.
Walking home again, I looked up at a church we pased probably seven times by now and finally realized how tall it was. I read at the information outside that it was the highest bulding in the world for 150 years! Things like that are cool to see. Speaking of new discoveries, my father and I walked up a gigant stair case next to our hotel today. It is build out of stone and consists of a uncontable numbers of steps up two huge starcases. It looks like a theater or atletics studio, though forgotten in time. My father guessed it was built by the Russians when they occupied Estonia as a atempt to prove how cool and mighty they could be, and thats why the eastonians have let it cruble down and become mearly a place for youths to hang when theres nowhere else to go. Nomatter what, it is one gigantic piece of stone, beacuse when you reace the top, the other side is just the same, only this time you get to go down instead.

Super high Oleviste Church.

The wasted building..

My feets are getting tierd by now, having walked across town nearly six times, and back and forward a little more, plus everything is cobblestone! My mind is also compleatly overloaded, there is things to see everywhere! Everything is so beautiful and unique, old mixed with new, bricks meeting in cornders and colors intertwining. Its gougeos! My camera is almost up in a thosand photos by now, so on could probably recreate the city from them. Now, its time for a night visit in the pool with warmth bubbles and smothies, and my backpack of family.