TODAY - County Antrim
Antrim Show - Agicultrual show, the YFC had slipperyfootball and tractor driving.
YFC Killraughts Barn Dance, all night
When coming home at about half past six, I had some time to hang my laundry and started packing, so now its all tucked down. Ryan and I ate some Chinese before he dropped me off at Louise. Me and Neil, Louises husband, watched Navy, then me and Michela had some time to talk which was nice. Flipping channels, we found a crime series in Swedish! That was so cool! First I didn't understand what they said, thinking "what help are they trying to say?", then I realized that if wasn't horrible English, just Swedish. Can't believe they show swedish series in UK!
Kids displaying young calvs
A cute sheep
A dog sheep, A bunny sheep and a donkey sheep
Pink little piglets
A cute piglet
The cute piglet again
There were also horsejumping.
Cute horse.
Slippery football.
Its football on a plastic thing soaked with water and soap.
Every player was soaked!
ha,ha Nu har du varit borta för länge, du behöver komma hem och prata lite svenska :)
Kul att ni hittad ett program på svenska, rätt språk, men fel land...