Today is the day
In four hours im boarding my plane to London! There I´ll meet up with Martin, an Ifye from Norway who´ll be taking the same plane as me to Belfast. I hope we can find eachother ^^
Yesterday I finished my packing, and hopefully I´ve not forgotten everything. I will notice that I guess. When I was packing I realized I´ll have to repack my bag six times since Im changing host family once a week. Ouch. Packing aint my strong side, but at least I have a little backing skill so I´ll be fine. Anyway, it dont have to be perfect untill the last time ;D
I sooo nervous I´ll die! Im exited, terrified and a little paniced. But in a good way. Like, Im sitting here drinking my tea with my family and tomorrow I´ll be in an entirely new place, with entierly new people, trying to be a normal person (what if I make a fool out of myself?! (on the otherhand, that would be kinda me)).
And you know what?! I´ll be missing two weeks of school. That means missing a lot of lessons - aka take notes for me IKGers, and the introduktion to our project work - guess I´ll have to panic about that on my own. I dont really know if Im happy or sad about missing school - all my friends are there. But on the otherhand, Im getting to do soething great and unforgettble instead - so screw two week of school and yhey to Northern Ireland!
So, exited and nervous, here I go. Goodbye Sweden! And all my beloved family and dear friends - I´ll se you soon!