Nobody knows where its at
Hello Reader! Now Im in Estonia! Cool huh?!
The ferrry wasnt that bad, it was even cosy. I sat outside on deck a lot, feeling the wind in my hair and watching the water drift by. The rescue boats hanged just above my head so I feel real secure right there. I must say, the best thing was the maräng cake! It was incredibe tasty, but when I went back to it, there was nothing left - so on my way back Ill grab alot from the start. Bytheway, Iv already taken more than 300 pictures - mostly the sea and the sunset - it was gourgeous.

I found there adorable ducks in one of the onboard stores:
Day-dream duck World-traveling duck

Dizzy-dot duck
Im currently in the hotel lobby, waiting for check-in-time. But thats a while left, so well probaly go out for some city sightsing. Allreday, the city looks cute - it mixes new with old, but in a good way. Ill get back when Ive seen more or it, or has had a time to check out the spa part.

I found there adorable ducks in one of the onboard stores:

Day-dream duck World-traveling duck

Dizzy-dot duck
Im currently in the hotel lobby, waiting for check-in-time. But thats a while left, so well probaly go out for some city sightsing. Allreday, the city looks cute - it mixes new with old, but in a good way. Ill get back when Ive seen more or it, or has had a time to check out the spa part.

Se you soon! <3
(title is from a part out of Kerlis songs, when she mentiones her home land Estonia)