TODAY - County Down
Pickie Park with Heather and Lisa - Going on the Swans
Walking along Costal path with above, about 2,5h
Cafe - The Red Berry
Dounugadee Barn Dance with Heather, Rachel, Luzia, Lisa, Jesa, Martin, Michaella, Alan and more
After meeting Lisa, she, me and Heather walked along the coastal path, enjoying the beautiful sea view. We stopped below a stone wall, collecting shells and taking pictures. Continuing, we found a beach where crushed shells made the texture, squeling silently under our feets. Me and Heather took our shoes off and walked down to the water, finding it surprisingly warm. Just by the edge lay lumps of jelly, making circular pools. After explaining to Heather that they were jellyfishes and harmless, part from the trails hanging down, with help from their animation in Finding Nemo, I gave her one to hold. Apparently, she had never held one before, being extremely impressed with this new achievement of hers. Immediately after arriving at the house, 3 hours sea walk later, she proudly declared the news to the family. A lot of joy over a jellyfish, that is so sweet!
Me and Lisa in the Swans
Me and Lisa
Lovley view from the Costal Path
Me and Heather
Some nice stones
Heather being super proud and amazed by holding a jellyfish
Me and the sweet cast Pepsi!
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