TODAY - County Down
Ulster museum with Rachel, Jesa, Michela and Jennifer (host).
Aunt Sandras candy factory with above
Leaving the gang
Scrabo tower
Shopping in Ards - primark and the perfume shop
Foamparty with gang (-Lisa), hosts and other YFC.
So, foam party at MClub! The night was really fun, with all the exchangees (unfortuanlly not Lisa who was having a Dublin Day), hosts and other YF dancing to the beats. The foam was hilarious, covering everything in sticky white gue. The hair got awfull, tightening in to knots, but I guess the clothes got well washed. Everyone looked ridiculous, with permanents and pillow shoulders of foam, especially Martin who reached one head higher than the rest of us and somehow managed to caught massive amounts of foam. Litterary everything was covered and when one tried to wipe it away, only more came - falling from the eyebrows and forehead. Smart as I was, I wasnt wearing contacts at least! It was quite nice to have the cooling feeling on the foam, as one didnt get as stinking warm as it usually does in clubs - a feeling that dissaperad when it was time to walk to the car. Which stood a far bit away, letting us go soking wet and freezing for minutes before finally reaching it - Thank god for my warm dry sweater waiting for me!
Notice the tiny purple shoes in the back, fit for grown ups
One of the interactive room
A lovely wall in the Ulster Museeum
About the "time before", creating the earth and pangea
The lough and Scrapo tower
View from Scrapo Tower
Erika, Rachel (host) and Luzia in FOAM
Martin, Jennifer (host), Michaella, Luzia, Erika, Rachel (host) and Jesa