15/8 Imaginative Caves
TODAY - County Fermanagh
Picked up by Steven (host) and Martin
Picked up by Steven (host) and Martin
Florencecourt Garden with gang
Marble Arch Caves
Left at house
Checking out farm - donekys, sheep and cows
Bowling with gang
Left at house
Checking out farm - donekys, sheep and cows
Bowling with gang
Waking up in the this morning, I realized that I feelt like home. The bed felt just like mine with a warm cover and hard pillow. The walls are brown cream, with torquose. Random stuff and Mirandas everywhere, and, ofcourse, my mess spreading out over the floor - just like home. Im starting to realize Im missing home alot, thinking often of how things are compared to home. Of how people remind me of friends or Malin. Of how my family would be for an exchangee. Of how nice it would be to sit on the buss going to school. Of how things might seem diffrent when I come home. I simply miss you all at home <3

My bed at Baileys

The gang at Flourencecourt

Martin in the experience-fossils room
Postat av: nettan
Så kul att läsa om allt du upplever men Vi saknar dig otroligt mycket, känner att sex veckor är otroligt lång tid, men nu väntar jag förväntansfullt på att du snart kommer hem :)massor av kramar