6/8 Afternoon- Day
TODAY - County Londonderry
Colerain - quick city visit
Port Stewart - quick shopping
Checking out Miliking Robot
BBQ at Samantas
BBQ evening at Andy T with exchangees
As usually, we were late, but that didn't really matter. John (once again wearing matching purple shirt with Jesa which makes them look like q cute married couple) and Andy left early for a night at Kellys while we other started preparing for our performance for tomorrow night. We decided on a poem with rimes, ending up with eight lines for each of us. Mostly, Luzia did the writing, but the rest of us came with ideas and input. I liked two of Andrews rimes, though everyone else thought they didn't really rime. Martin knew why, continuing on a conversation from earlier that night: Andrews rimes were missing something, as does all those flat puzzles from IKEA... Haha! *sarcastic* . Another funny moment was when Andrew tried to play teeter on my mobile in amazement, panic and stubbornness, tilting way to much (he failed like 15 times at the first level). Quite amusing. It was a great night, a lot of laughter and friendship.
John taking photos
Luzia and Erika
Fred, Luzia and Erika, with Ians sportscar
The milking robot