25/8 Saying Goodbye
Skönt att se att du är igång med bloggen igen. Kram
härligt att höra av dig igen, ha en underbar sista kväll alla tillsammans :)
Japp, lånar Martins hosts dator :) äntligen lite tid att bara sitta still ;)
Erika! Vilken fantastisk resa du gör! Kul att se alla inlägg och bilder, 6 veckor av intensiv sightseeing, du kommer att sova i ett dygn när du kommer hem!!! Vi längtar efter att få träffa dig igen och höra om allt du varit med om.
Ha det bra, vi ses om några dagar.
Morfar o Mormor
hey cutie, how are you? did you enjoyed your last days and had a pleasant journey home? last week i had my class trip to italy. i showed my friends the disney shop in mailand, they were so excited, because they have never seen one before, it took me more then one hour to get them out again;)...the weather was such a difference to the weather in NI always over 30°C and everyday swimming in the "Gardasee" I will post pictures on facebook so you can see it and be jealous;)xo
hey cutie, how are you? did you enjoyed your last days and had a pleasant journey home? last week i had my class trip to italy. i showed my friends the disney shop in mailand, they were so excited, because they have never seen one before, it took me more then one hour to get them out again;)...the weather was such a difference to the weather in NI always over 30°C and everyday swimming in the "Gardasee" I will post pictures on facebook so you can see it and be jealous;)xo
soryy for writing my coment two times but at first it seemed like it didn't work;)
Hello sweet! My mom keeps saying how you and the others should come and visit ^^ Had a great last wek, got to hang with kids families so I feelt very at home ;-)
Omg thas so unfair ;-) wanna go too! What kinda stuff did you guys do? It was a having fun together kinda trip, right?! No the study kind.. Haha, promise I could stay for even longer in there - its like paradise ;-)
Ohh, lovely warmth! Was so happy the other day when i could walk around in my hotpants, and its even september now ;-) 30s almost to warm though, isnt it s bit hard to breath in?! Do you got like the worlds best tan now?! :-P oh my, how warm was the water? That must have ben great!
Im gonna check your album as soon as i can, its the one with a wired name, right?! XD And im totally gonna be jealous, big time ^^
It feels so odd to be back in school btw, like reality is catching up ;-) dont you agre? What subjects are you doing?! Its nice to se everyone back home again, especially my sis ^^ still, i miss traveling around with you and the others, you have to come visit :-)