TODAY - County Londonderry (in Tyrone)
Dunbia Meat Plant with Luzia, Jesa, Martin, Michaela, Fred (host) and other YFC
"A Doing" - pouring stuff over bride and groom (with Luzia, Jesa, John and Johns girlfriend Samanta)
After dinner we left again to hoover outside a church where a couple was having a wedding rehersal.Apparently its a Young Farmers tradition to steal the couple and do various things to them - pouring gue over them. The bride had extra clothes in her car, dreading the moment for some time, and her brother sneaked out to get them for her - it was kind cute how all the guests stayed in the church, afraid of going outside aswell. No one dared to go out. Eventually though, the young farmes caught the young pair and took them to a trailer, striping their legs and arms. They were covered in disgusting gue (which John had accidentally managed to spill out in the trunk of his Jeep on the way there - not so nice smell, i can tell you), sawdust and stuff. Luckily the bridce had a towl and bathcap around her head so her hair didnt get acloplete mess, but it was still kinda gross, the bride screaming as the gue pooured down. They booth took it quite well though, knowing there was no escape, and soon laughted and vawed to by-passers as they were drown around the city. In the end though, it got quite cold and they were freezing as hell. Poor couple - I would nerver want to get married in Northern Ireland, or as a Young Farmer fro that sake.... Gue, sawdust and trapped - took it as champs though!
stackars brudpar....